Tree View

jQuery users

Tree view in Pages are powered by jQuery Dynatree , which is a Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility Follow these steps to initialize nestables in your page

Step one

Include the following stylesheet inside the <head>

<link href="assets/plugins/jquery-dynatree/skin/ui.dynatree.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>

Step two

Include the relevant javascript files inside the <body> before core template script inclusions

<script src="assets/plugins/jquery-dynatree/jquery.dynatree.min.js" type="text/javascript">

Step three
  1. Create a DIV and give it a unique ID, we are going to use this to initialize the plugin
  2. Inside this DIV, create a list of unordered items using UL LI
  3. Make sure you have unique ID for each of UL and LI tags
<div class="m-b-20" id="default-tree">
  <ul id="treeData" style="display: none;">
    <li id="id1" title="Look, a tool tip!">item1 with key and tooltip
    <li id="id2">item2
    <li class="folder" id="id3">Folder with some children
        <li id="id3.1">Sub-item 3.1
            <li id="id3.1.1">Sub-item 3.1.1
            <li id="id3.1.2">Sub-item 3.1.2
        <li id="id3.2">Sub-item 3.2
            <li id="id3.2.1">Sub-item 3.2.1
            <li id="id3.2.2">Sub-item 3.2.2
    <li class="expanded" id="id4">Document with some children (expanded on
        <li class="active focused" id="id4.1">Sub-item 4.1 (active and focus on
            <li id="id4.1.1">Sub-item 4.1.1
            <li id="id4.1.2">Sub-item 4.1.2
        <li id="id4.2">Sub-item 4.2
            <li id="id4.2.1">Sub-item 4.2.1
            <li id="id4.2.2">Sub-item 4.2.2

Step Four

Initialize the plugin, Please view JQuery plugin inlude guidline rules

$(document).ready(function() {
       fx: { height: "toggle", duration: 200 }//Slide down animation

For Further Options JQuery DynaTree Documentation
Step three

Add following markup to your page

<abn-tree tree-data="example_treedata"></abn-tree>

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