
Layouts in Pages help you to customize the main view of your app, this comes with pre built layout options that will be updated over time. Pages now comes with 5 Different layouts and each layout will atleast contain 2 optional layouts with support to 7 themes.

Pages Condensed

One of our most popular Layouts, Pages Condensed offers a wide range of responsive space specifically for dashboards with heavy content.

Quick start - getting_started/condensed_layout.html
Demo Files - demo/consended/

Pages Casual

A new tone of voice – a relaxed, friendly, joyful layout that quickly makes the user experience more personal, casual and fun!. Comes with horizontal layout and sidebar option

Quick start - getting_started/casual_default.html
Demo Files - demo/casual/

Pages Corpoerate

Corporate is a bold, cool Layout that elevates your content by utilizing a clean layout and a simple, open interface. Contains boxed version and secondary sidebar.

Quick start - getting_started/corporate.html
Demo Files - demo/corporate/

Simply White

In a world of complexity, Simplicity defeats stress. Simply white is an open simple, minimal yet striking layout, built to combat stress. Contains boxed version and secondary sidebar.

Quick start - getting_started/simply_white.html
Demo Files - demo/simply_white/


A Professional template with a timeless look, best suited to quickly create a serious organized experience. Comes with horizontal layout and sidebar option

Quick start - getting_started/executive_default.html
Demo Files - demo/executive/

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