
Pages calendar plugin is exclusive only on pages and is not a third party plugin. The horizontal scrolling helps it to fit easily on to small screens and user experience is seemless across all platforms. It supports many features including multiple languages and timezones

jQuery users

<script src="assets/plugins/interactjs/interact.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="assets/plugins/moment/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>

Pages Calendar Lib
<script src="pages/js/pages.calendar.min.js"></script>

HTML Source

Inlcude the following HTML source to your file, you can remove the compontents you do not need to have

<div id="myCalendar" class="full-height"></div>

Initialize Pages Calendar

To initialize pages calendar with default setting use the following code


AngularJS users


You will find calendar route and dependency injections in demo/angular/assets/js/config.js. Controllers and Directives are found in assets/js/apps/calendar/calendar.js and these depend pages.calendar.min.js mentioned above

//Calendar app
.state('app.calendar', {
    url: '/calendar',
    templateUrl: 'tpl/apps/calendar/calendar.html',
    resolve: {
        deps: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
            return $ocLazyLoad.load([
                ], {
                    insertBefore: '#lazyload_placeholder'
                .then(function() {
                    return $ocLazyLoad.load([
<!-- tpl/apps/calendar/calendar.html -->
 <div ng-controller="CalendarCtrl" pg-calendar class="full-height"></div>
Controller and Directive
// assets/js/apps/calendar/calendar.js
'use strict';

/* Controllers */

    .controller('CalendarCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$rootScope', function($scope, $stateParams, $rootScope) {
        // Apply recommended theme for Calendar
        $ = 'pages/css/themes/calendar.css';

        // For demo purposes only. Changes the theme back to pages default when switching the state. 
            function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
                $ = 'pages/css/pages.css';


/* Directives */

    .directive('pgCalendar', function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

                var selectedEvent;


Calendar Settings and Callbacks

    ui: {
        //Year Selector
        year: {
            visible: true,
            format: 'YYYY',
            startYear: '2000',
            endYear: moment().add(10, 'year').format('YYYY'),
            eventBubble: true
        //Month Selector
        month: {
            visible: true,
            format: 'MMM',
            eventBubble: true
        dateHeader: {
            format: 'MMMM YYYY, D dddd',
            visible: true,
        //Mini Week Day Selector
        week: {
            day: {
                format: 'D'
            header: {
                format: 'dd'
            eventBubble: true,
            startOfTheWeek: '0',
        //Week view Grid Options
        grid: {
            dateFormat: 'D dddd',
            timeFormat: 'h A',
            eventBubble: true,
    eventObj: {
        editable: true
    now: null,
    locale: 'en',
    //Event display time format
    timeFormat: 'h:mm a',
    dateFormat: 'MMMM Do YYYY',
    slotDuration: '30', //In Mins : supports 15, 30 and 60
    events: [],
    eventOverlap: false,
    //Event CallBacks
    onViewRenderComplete: function() {},
    onEventDblClick: function() {},
    onEventClick: function(event) {},
    onEventRender: function() {},
    onEventDragComplete: function(event) {},
    onEventResizeComplete: function(event) {},
    onTimeSlotDblClick: function(timeSlot) {},

Sample JSON Event Object

        "title": "Call Dave",
        "class": "bg-success-lighter",
        "start": "2014-10-07T06:00:00",
        "end": "2014-10-07T08:00:24",
        "other": {}
        "title": "Meeting Roundup",
        "class": "bg-success-lighter",
        "start": "2014-11-07T06:00:00"
        "title": "Double click Any where",
        "class": "bg-complete-lighter",
        "start": "2014-11-07T01:00:00",
        "end": "2014-11-07T02:00:00",
        "other": {
            "note": "test"

Public Methods


Rebuild your calendar


Set date to current date


Next Month


Previous Month


Parse in the date string to set a date to the calendar, it will accept any standard date formate


You can get the current date of the calendar and also pass in the required date formate to get the the desire formate output

example : $('#my_calendar_elment').pagescalendar('getDate','dd/mm/yyyy');
It will accept any date formate string


To render the calendar


Change langues


Reload and draw events for the particular view.


Adding an event to the calendar using the even object varriable, demostrated in demos/assets/js/calendar.js


Add a batch of events at once.


Removing an event also demonstrated in : demos/assets/js/calendar.js


This method will remove all events in your array


Editing an event to the calendar using the even object varriable, demostrated in demos/assets/js/calendar.js


Will get you all the events in your calendar array


You can set the view / You can change your view to : "month" & " week"


Display the view type that is currently loaded : "month" or " week"


Will display start and end date of the current view


Will display start and end date of the current view


You can set state mannually when you need to, there are two states "loading" and "loaded", This will help you to show a progressbar for lazy event fetching


You can display an error message on your calendar by passing in a string


Scroll to the first even on week and day view

grid: {
    dateFormat: 'D dddd',
    timeFormat: 'h A',
    eventBubble: true,


You can see a list of call back demostrated in demo/assets/calendar.js file


On Render Complete


Event Double Click


Event click call back returns the clicked event details into an array, you can console.log(event) to see all event attributes


After Events are rendered to the view


After user drag event is completed


After user resize event is completed


Double click time slot on the grid, returns the date and time of the particular timeslot


When ever the calendar's date is change, this call back will return a range, i.e: range.start and range.end both are dates

Supported Languages

Use the language code and set it to locale

Language Code
Afrikaans af
Albanian sq
Armenian hy-am
Azerbaijani az
Bahasa Indonesia id
Bahasa Malayu ms-my
Basque eu
Belarusian be
Bengali bn
Bosnian bs
Breton br
Bulgarian bg
Catalan ca
Chinese zh-cn
Chinese (Traditional) zh-tw
Chuvash cv
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English en
English (Australia) en-au
English (Canada) en-ca
English (England) en-gb
Esperanto eo
Estonian et
Farose fo
Finnish fi
French fr
French (Canada) fr-ca
Galician gl
Georgian ka
German de
German (Austria) de-at
Greek el
Hebrew he
Hungarian hu
Icelandic is
Italian it
Japanese ja
Khmer (Cambodia) km
Korean ko
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Luxembourgish lb
Macedonian mk
Malayalam ml
Norwegian nb
Norwegian Nynorsk nn
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-br
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Serbian sr
Serbian Cyrillic sr-cyrl
Slovak sk
Slovenian sl
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Tagalog (Filipino) tl-ph
Tamaziɣt tzm
Tamaziɣt Latin tzm-latn
Tamil ta
Thai th
Turkish tr
Ukrainian uk
Uzbek uz
Vietnamese vi
Welsh cy

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